
Hello all
This page was created specially for external visitors of our site. Kettlebell lifting is the national sport of Russia.It is called "Girevoy Sport" in Russia. Sportsmen of more than 50 regions participate in country championships. Today the Russian kettlebell lifters win almost in all international competitions. But the world is not standing at the same place. More than 20 counties are involved in kettlebell sport. In many countries there are no good sportsmen and trainers, so a lot of sportsmen take information on training from the Russian-speaking web-sites. You can find a lot of interesting and helpful information in our web-site: articles about training methods, photo and video materials with good technique of exercise. Special section in English language was also created in this web-site forum. Here you can ask questions. We hope our website will be useful information source.
What you can see on our site?
- Main news of Russian and International kettlebell lifting,
- Famous personalities of Russian kettlebell lifting,
- Articles about kettlebell lifting,
- Kettlebell lifting in different regions of Russia,
- Photos and videos about kettlebell lifting,
- Russian rank table and Russian records of kettlebell lifting,
- and a lot of other information…
Good luck!